Creating Raw Guardrails (in JSON)

At Portkey, we believe in helping you make your workflows as modular as possible. With the raw Guardrails mode, we let you define your Guardrail checks & actions however you want, directly in code.

This is useful when

  • You want the same Guardrail checks but want to take different basic actions on them

  • Your Guardrail checks definitions are dependent on an upstream task and are updated in code

  • You want greater control over how you want to handle Guardrails

With the Raw Guardrails mode, you can achieve all this.

Example of a Raw Guardrail

"beforeRequestHooks": [{
    "type": "guardrail",
    "id": "my_solid_guardrail",
    "checks": [{
      "id": "default.regexMatch",
      "parameters": {
        "regex": ["test"]

In this example:

  • type: Specifies the type of hook, which is guardrail.

  • name: Gives a name to the guardrail for identification.

  • checks: Lists the checks that make up the guardrail. Each check includes an id and parameters for the specific conditions to validate.

Configuring Guardrail Actions

"beforeRequestHooks": [{
    "type": "guardrail",
    "name": "my_solid_guardrail",
    "checks": [{
      "id": "default.regexMatch",
      "parameters": {
        "regex": "test"
    "deny": false,
    "async": false,
    "on_success": {
        "feedback": {"value": 1,"weight": 1}
    "on_fail": {
        "feedback": {"value": -1,"weight": 1}

In this example,

  • deny: Is set to TRUE or FALSE

  • async: Is set to TRUE or FALSE

  • on_success: Used to pass custom feedback

  • on_failure: Used to pass custom feedback

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